The Nature of Reality
The gold and silver air brushed swirls and the paper shapes in this acrylic piece has many levels of meaning. It attempts to entice viewers to question assumptions about what is real and how they construct reality. What are beliefs and which are the pre-conceived or societally adopted views of the events and situations we encounter in daily life?
The images allow us to follow our thinking and to question our attachment to seemingly recognizable images and examine their value. This effect is enhanced by the thin glittery lines. They strengthen the movement of the powerful directional lighter shapes and pulls everything upwards to the light. Do you see words? Really?
What's real? What's true?
What a prescient mixed media artwork!
No framing needed.
The images allow us to follow our thinking and to question our attachment to seemingly recognizable images and examine their value. This effect is enhanced by the thin glittery lines. They strengthen the movement of the powerful directional lighter shapes and pulls everything upwards to the light. Do you see words? Really?
What's real? What's true?
What a prescient mixed media artwork!
No framing needed.